Julian Robertson: Markets Will Pay the Piper

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Sep 26, 2009
This is the unofficial transcript of a CNBC EXCLUSIVE interview with Julian Robertson, Tiger Management Chairman, today on CNBC's "Street Signs."

ERIN BURNETT: It was almost two years ago today, not quite, but almost, when you said we were in for a doozy of a recession. And a lot of people-- were angry at that. Why would this person be so negative? There was a lot of discussion about it. But you were right. Are we done now?

JULIAN ROBERTSON: Well, it's-- you know, I think kind of a matter of probabilities. And-- I think we're in for some real rough sledding. I don't know quite how it's gonna come about. I really do think the recession is-- at least temporarily over. But we haven't-- addressed so many of our problems. And-- we are borrowing so much money that we can't possibly pay it back, unless the Chinese and Japanese buy our bond.

Read the complete transcript