Li Lu Articles

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Jul 30, 2010
By now most of the value investing world heard of the news story of the year; Li Lu will probably succeed Warren Buffett as Chief Investment Officer at Berkshire Hathaway. The revelation came from Charlie Munger, in a Wall Street journal article that was published this morning. that Li, 44, will become one of the top Berkshire investment officials, Munger, Berkshire's 86-year-old vice chairman, told the Journal. Both Buffett and Lu have declined to comment right now, but it will be interesting to here from them when they eventually bring up the topic.

I have written several articles about Li Lu, and many more will becoming out in days. The man has went from an unknown character to one of the greatest value heroes in a matter of months. Instead of writing more about Li Lu, I thought it would be worthwhile to compile some of the interesting articles from other sources.

To start off everyone should read the Wall Street Journal article since it is the original source. The article is here: _

Ravi, a Guru Focus columnist wrote an excellent article analyzing Li Lu that can be found here:

Those are some recent articles that came out since the news broke. There are also some great older articles for people who have not been keeping up with this story might want to read: