Warren Buffett Appearance on CNBC – Links to Seven-Part Transcript

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Nov 18, 2011
JOE KERNEN: Good morning. The "full Monti." Mario Monti takes over the Italian government after Silvio Berlusconi leaves to a chorus of hallelujah. Boeing lands one of the biggest deals in aviation history. And legendary investor Warren Buffett joins us live for the next three hours to tackle Europe, the markets, and the Super Committee. It's Monday, November 14th, 2011. SQUAWK BOX begins right now.

JOE: Is he there with you right now?

BECKY QUICK in Omaha, Nebraska: He is. He's sitting right here and he's listening.

JOE: Excellent.

WARREN BUFFETT: What's a synonym—what's a synonym for "gravitas"?

JOE: Yeah.

BECKY: What's a synonym? That's a good question.

BUFFETT: I was thinking some other words.

JOE: Yes. Wow, he looks—God, you look—you look—you look healthy and rosy cheeks.

ANDREW ROSS ANDREW: He looks great, doesn't he?

BECKY: Thank you.

JOE: It's like 5:00 or 4:00 out there, isn't it?

BECKY: It's 5:00 out here, and we are, and we're ready to go. And we were just talking about it and, Warren, you had your thinking cap on early this morning, right?

BUFFETT: Been up for hours, was thinking in the bathtub.

BECKY: And we know what happens when he thinks in the bathtub. The last time he did this he came up with the Bank of America investment, so, guys, we've got a lot of different things we're going to be covering over the next three hours. And, Warren, you're ready to go, right?



BUFFETT: Fire away.

JOE: Has he—has he seen pictures of (Becky's baby boy) Kyle?

BUFFETT: I have...

BECKY: I didn't show him any new pictures this morning, no.

JOE: It's...

BECKY: I haven't but I will.

JOE: Has he taken care of college yet?

BECKY: No, unfortunately not.

JOE: That was a nervous laugh.

BECKY: But I will show him some of those pictures...

JOE: That was a nervous laugh I just heard from you. Just an idea. I mean, it's not—you know, you're doing this for us. Actually, we owe you anyway. You're right.

BECKY: Yeah, I paid Joe to slip that in for me.


JOE: That was pretty...


JOE: You know what you'll get, Becky?

BECKY: What?

JOE: One of those boxes of See's candies.

ANDREW: Right.

JOE: That's what—that's usually—or a brick. That's what he sent me, a brick.


Here are the links to the remainder of the transcript:

1. Part 1

2. Part 2

3. Part 3

4. Part 4

5. Part 5

6. Part 6

7. Part 7