Fun Fun Fun ...'Til Her Daddy Takes The T-bird Away

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Jun 30, 2015

The popular press has made Germany into the villain of the current Greek drama. Why, they ask, should Berlin be dictating how the Greek government runs its own country?

Understanding the reasoning for that is quite simple if you think in terms of the Beach Boys’ old hit song, Fun, Fun, Fun.


Greece is the “daughter.” Substitute retirement at 54 years old with cushy government pensions for all as the “hamburger stand.” Think of Germany as the “dad” who just wised up. Understand that Greece “shouldn’t have lied” all along about its financial status.

Dad was funding the sweet life for his partying daughter while supplying the goodies and footing the bills. She told him the cash was all going towards her betterment and growth when, really, the money was simply being used to have a great time.

No wonder her old man got pissed off.

What would you do in that situation?

You’d probably take away the keys, ground her and cancel her credit cards.

When your kids get jobs and become financially independent, they’ll have every right to tell you to “bug off” and “leave me alone.” Until then, while they’re still on your dime, it is only natural to expect they will live under your house rules.

Greece’s proposed referendum expects to ask the kids whether they want to keep partying or if they’d prefer to stay home, study and hunker down.

Which way do you think the vote will go?

Is the responsible parent really the “bad guy” in this story?

Just asking.