Value of Manufacturers' Total Inventories for Nondurable Goods Industries : 329917 (As of 2024-09-01)


Basic Info

It measures the total monetary value of unsold goods in industries that produce products with a short lifespan, typically less than three years. These goods include food, beverages, clothing, paper products, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. Rising inventories may signal slowing consumer demand or overproduction, while declining inventories indicate strong consumer demand or efficient inventory management.

Monthly, End of Period , seasonally adjusted .

Value of Manufacturers' Total Inventories for Nondurable Goods Industries was 329917 as of 2024-09-01, according to United States Census Bureau. Historically, Value of Manufacturers' Total Inventories for Nondurable Goods Industries reached a record high of 340948 and a record low of 135572, the median value is 209594. Typical value range is from 249538 to 316620. The Year-Over-Year growth is -0.92%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Value of Manufacturers' Total Inventories for Nondurable Goods Industries - last updated on 2024-09-01.

Category Production & Business Activity
Region USA
Source United States Census Bureau


Name Value
Last Value 329917
Latest Period 2024-09-01
Long Term Average 283,078.69
Average Annualized Growth Rate +2.75%
Value from 1 year ago 332979
Change from 1 year ago -0.92%
Frequency Daily
Unit Millions
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