Vitaliy Katsenelson On China And Japan

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Oct 18, 2010
Vitaliy Katsenelson is a a Director of Research / Portfolio Manager at Investment Management Associates, Inc (IMA) a value investment firm based in Denver, Colorado. He received is graduate and undergraduate (cum laude, but who cares) degrees in finance from University of Colorado at Denver, and is a CFA. And now is a professor at the college. He is is the author of Active Value Investing: Making Money in Range-Bound Marketsir?t=valueinves08c-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0470053151 and The Little Book of Sideways Markets: How to Make Money in Markets that Go Nowhereir?t=valueinves08c-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0470932937.

He has been recently been lecturing about the bubble and China, and the serious economic headwinds facing Japan. He recently conducted a recent interview with The Casey Report . He thinks China is the "mother of all grey swans", and that Japan is past the point of new return. There are two views that I have similar feelings about.

Below is a brief excerpt, followed by a recent presentation he gave on the second and third largest economies in the world.

The full interview can be found here- The Casey ReportA few months ago, I watched a movie about Ayn Rand and it talked about how Americans in the 1930s looked at the Soviet Union’s flavor of managed economy as being superior to the American version of capitalism. At the time America was just coming out of the Great Depression, so that view made a lot of sense. So in the short run, and especially after the ugly side of creative destruction has paid us a visit, the grass of managed economy may look greener.

So when we look at China, the conventional wisdom says that the government is very, very smart, and therefore they can do a very good job in steering the economy in the right way. Chinese government may have the best intentions, its leaders may have IQs of 250 each on a bad day, but it is impossible to centrally manage an economy of China’s size.

I am a big believer that in the boxing match between a visible and an invisible hand, though the invisible hand may lose a few rounds, it will win the match every time. Last century we had the most amazing economic experiment take place when after World War II, Germany was split into two countries with different economic and political systems. But they were the same people, with the same language and culture, separated by a wall. We know how that story ended.

Of course, for a time, having government control over the levers of the economy can have advantages. For example, by taking prompt action, the Chinese government was able to pull the economy out of the recession remarkably fast, basically by fire-housing the stimulus package that was equivalent to 12% GDP. That's the advantage. The only problem is that these kinds of short-term advantages come with long-term, painful consequences.

For example, when you have a huge government presence in the economy, you also have a huge bureaucracy, and bureaucracy brings corruption. This is one of the reasons why China is rated so poorly on Transparency International’s annual corruption rating. Corruption breeds misallocation of capital, because the capital flows not to the best use, but it basically flows to whatever the political connection or whatever the bribe is directed to.

In addition, when you have a government-managed economy, it creates excesses. China has huge excesses in the industrial sector, as well as in commercial and residential real estate. We see plenty of evidence of these excesses, but they are likely to be much greater than we can measure today as they are covered up by robust economic growth. The true magnitude of these excesses will come to the surface once the economy slows down.

China bubble

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