Boone Pickens on Whether or Not Now Is the Time to Bet on Natural Gas

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Mar 21, 2012
If you are a value investor you likely have a contrarian streak in you. If you have a contrarian streak in you then you like to look at investments in beaten down areas. There is hardly anything as beaten down as the price of natural gas.

Here is legendary oil man Boone Pickens on a few subjects:

- The only country in the world that doesn’t have an energy plan.

- 70% of fuel used goes towards transportation.

- Has never seen any planning in Washington over whether there will be enough fuel 10 years from now.

- The greatest transfer of wealth in history has been the United States giving trillions to OPEC.

- We are absolute fools if we don’t get on our own resources.

- Solyndra was a loser before it started.

- Natural gas is the margin fuel for power generation, that puts wind power out of business. Pickens has lost $150 million on his investment in wind power.

- Natural gas is at a 10-year low, but Pickens isn’t ready to load up on it as he expects it to stay there for some time.

- He has fracked over 3,000 wells personally and has never had a problem. He knows that once the process is thoroughly investigated people will realize that it can be performed safely.