PIMCO's Kashkari: Double Dip Recession Off Table

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Aug 17, 2012
PIMCO's global equity managing director and former assistant treasury secretary Neel Kashkari discusses the state of the U.S. economy based the on Kudlow report.

-- 30-year Treasury long-term bond rates have moved up in the last month and that is a good signal.

-- But this is not a sure shot signal that the economy has improved as the market has started believing in ECB chair Draghis comments that he will be supporting Spain and Greece and that has let to flight away from safety of U.S. Treasuries leading to a rise in the 30-year yields.

-- But there are also signals that the economy is improving. All economic data has shown an improving trend over the last month.

Here is the video. Neel comes in about 1.5 minutes into it: