Planet and ASU Expand Partnership to Build Global Scale Solutions for Sustainability

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Feb 22, 2023

Planet+Labs+PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, today announced that they have solidified a Strategic Partnership with Arizona+State+University (ASU) to facilitate climate action through education and research, workforce development, and a science-first approach toward innovation. Since 2016, Planet and ASU have collaborated on significant programs including the Planet+Incubator+Program within ASU’s Center+for+Global+Discovery+and+Conservation+Science, the development of the Allen+Coral+Atlas, as well as two of the founding partners in the creation of the Carbon+Mapper mission. In early 2019, ASU+became+Planet%26rsquo%3Bs+first+campus-wide+university+partner, and since then, over 30 peer reviewed journal articles have been published by ASU using Planet products.