Meridian Funds Comments on Clean Harbors Inc.

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Mar 07, 2016

Clean Harbors, Inc. (NYSE:CLH) is a provider of environmental, energy, and industrial services, including hazardous waste disposal for companies. The rapid deterioration of oil prices during the period caused Clean Harbors’ re-refining business to suffer. However, we believe the company’s hazardous waste disposal business is its greatest asset. It is extremely difficult for companies to meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements and to obtain permitting for new hazardous waste incinerators, giving Clean Harbors a competitive advantage. This business has benefitted from a steady increase in the types of waste classified by the EPA as hazardous. Given the industry’s limited capacity and Clean Harbors’ dominant position in this space, the company has been able to consistently raise prices. We believe investors are too focused on the short-term movement of crude oil prices and not focused enough on the long-term growth potential of this company. We consequently increased our position in the stock.

From Meridian Growth Fund Semi-Annual Letter to Shareholders 2016.