Jerome Dodson Comments on Micron Technology

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Jan 25, 2017

Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU) was right on Applied Materials’ heels, adding an amazing 215 basis points to the Fund’s return, as the stock raced higher by 54.8%, from $14.16 to $21.92. It was a rollercoaster year for Micron, as prices of its main product, dynamic random access memory semiconductor chips (also known as DRAMS), were falling sharply to begin the year. DRAM chips are commodities, and their pricing is volatile, going up sharply when demand exceeds supply and dropping suddenly when the balance tilts in the other direction. We invested because production capacity growth had slowed below demand, and we were confident that DRAM prices would eventually rise. Sure enough, in the second half of the year DRAM prices rose sharply, and we’re enjoying the upside.

From the Parnassus Fund fourth quarter 2016 commentary.