PCS Edventures!.com, Inc. Discusses the Growing STEM Sector and Popular Products with Uptick Newswire's Stock Day Podcast

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Oct 31, 2018
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PHOENIX, Oct. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PCS Edventures!.com, Inc., ( PCSV) (“The Company”) is a leading provider of K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education programs and drone products. Todd Hackett, CEO of PCS Edventures!.com, Inc., talked with Stock Day’s Everett Jolly.

Hackett started out by explaining a bit about the company. He said they are a STEM company (science, technology, engineering, and math), in a growing market sector, about 17% annually.

“The good thing about it is, for people going into that sector, the national wage for graduates is around $87,000 a year,” he explained.

Jolly then noted that in 2017 the company did $2.4 million and in 2018, $3.2 million, and the market cap is about $3 million, asking what Hackett sees going forward.

“Our RubiQ Discover Drones kit is going over really well, our BrickLAB is going over real well, we are seeing good sales throughout all of our products,” Hackett said. “We’ve actually made money the last few quarters, Q4 of 2018, most of that was international sales. All of our revenue since then has been domestic revenue, we did $1.8 million in Q1 which ended June 30th, with a net profit of $800,000 on that.”

Hackett went on to explain that these were not audited statements, but PCS Edventures!.com, Inc. prepares them the same as they always have. He explained they were audited up until a year and a half ago, but now the main focus is to make the company profitable, a goal they have achieved. He said they are planning to go back to being a reporting company next year.

Jolly then mentioned that the company has over 7,000 sites in the U.S. and are also in a few different countries, he asked what we can expect from the international side of the business in 2019.

“A lot of our revenues in the past came from Saudi Arabia, we are still doing business in Saudi Arabia but we are going to a licensing model versus doing the sales in house. It’s a distraction from our core business. In our domestic business, if you take from January 1 to March, it’s grown at approximately 58% year over year,” he said. “We are choosing to focus more on domestic.”

Jolly turned the conversation to product lines. He wanted to know where the money comes from and which products are doing the best. Hackett said the RubiQ Drone line and BrickLAB are the most popular.

“As far as funding, the company has been making money, so we are cash flow positive.” Hackett also said, “We are not burning money anymore, we are making money.”

To listen to the entire interview, click on the podcast here: https://upticknewswire.com/featured-interview-ceo-todd-hackett-of-pcs-edventures-com-inc-otcpink-pcsv-2/

About PCS Edventures!

PCS Edventures!.com, Inc. (OTCPK: PCSV) is a Boise, Idaho company that designs and delivers technology-rich products and services for the K-12 market that develop 21st-century skills. PCS programs emphasize experiential learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) and have been deployed at over 7,000 sites in all 50 United States and 17 foreign countries. https://edventures.com.

Investor Contact: Mike Bledsoe 1.800.429.3110, [email protected]
Investor Relations Website: pcsv.global

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934; actual results could differ materially from such statements.

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