Eagle Financial Services Inc Operating Data

Eagle Financial Services Inc Competitors' Latest Operating Data

Operating data not available.

Eagle Financial Services Inc (EFSI) Operating Data Charts

EFSI Capital Adequacy Tier - Tier 1 Ratio %

EFSI Capital Adequacy Tier - Leverage Ratio %

EFSI Capital Adequacy Tier - Total Capital Ratio %

EFSI Efficiency Overhead Ratio %

EFSI Net Charge Offs to Average Loans %

EFSI Average Interest Earning Assets (USD Mil)

EFSI Commercial Business Loans (USD Mil)

EFSI Mortgage Backed Securities (USD Mil)

EFSI Residential Mortgage Loans (USD Mil)

EFSI Commercial Mortgage Loans (USD Mil)

EFSI Construction Loans (USD Mil)

EFSI Total Number of Retail Branches #