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Companies whose CEOs are buying or selling their own stock

A study also found that multiple purchases by several execs ( Insider Cluster ) within the past three months signaled big gains to come, as did, predictably, purchases at small companies with limited analyst coverage. And the biggest returns were found after insider buys of undervalued stocks.
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  Insider Trend
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  CEO Buys
       Companies whose CEOs are buying their own stock.
  CFO Buys
       Companies whose CFOs are buying their own stock.
  Insider Cluster Buys
       Stocks that multiple company officers and directors have bought.
  Insider Cluster Buys
       Stocks that multiple company officers and directors have bought.
  Double Buys
       Companies that both Gurus and Insiders are buying
  Triple Buys
       Companies that both Gurus and Insiders are buying, and Company is buying back.
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