Sotheby's (BID) President and CEO William F Ruprecht sells 9,000 Shares

President and CEO of Sotheby's (BID, Financial) William F Ruprecht sells 9,000 shares of BID on 04/19/2010 at an average price of $36.69 a share.

Sotheby's has a market cap of $2.46 billion; its shares were traded at around $36.53 with and P/S ratio of 5.07. The dividend yield of Sotheby's stocks is 0.55%. Sotheby's had an annual average earning growth of 42.8% over the past 10 years.

BID is in the portfolios of John Rogers of ARIEL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC, Chuck Royce of Royce& Associates, Murray Stahl of Horizon Asset Management.

CEO Recent Trades:

  • Sell:: President and CEO William F Ruprecht sold 15,000 shares of BID stock on 03/16/2010 at the average price of 29.36, the price of the stock has increased by 24.42% since.

  • Sell:: President & CEO William F Ruprecht sold 96,667 shares of BID stock on 12/15/2009 at the average price of 21.87, the price of the stock has increased by 67.03% since.

CFO Recent Trades:

  • Sell:: EVP & CFO William S Sheridan sold 13,103 shares of BID stock on 03/08/2010 at the average price of 30.4, the price of the stock has increased by 20.16% since.

  • Sell:: EVP & CFO William S Sheridan sold 2,000 shares of BID stock on 12/15/2009 at the average price of 21.98, the price of the stock has increased by 66.2% since.

Directors and Officers Recent Trades:

  • Sell:: Managing Director, Americas Holder Maarten Ten sold 2,500 shares of BID stock on 03/17/2010 at the average price of 31, the price of the stock has increased by 17.84% since.

  • Sell:: Managing Director, Europe Maris Van Dyk Patrick Van sold 5,000 shares of BID stock on 03/16/2010 at the average price of 30.57, the price of the stock has increased by 19.5% since.

  • Sell:: EVP & Chairman Soth. Intl. Robin Woodhead sold 10,000 shares of BID stock on 03/16/2010 at the average price of 30.69, the price of the stock has increased by 19.03% since.

  • Sell:: Director Robert S Taubman sold 254,809 shares of BID stock on 03/10/2010 at the average price of 30.55, the price of the stock has increased by 19.57% since.

  • Sell:: EVP & WW Head of HR Susan Alexander sold 2,500 shares of BID stock on 03/08/2010 at the average price of 31, the price of the stock has increased by 17.84% since.