Total Consumer Loans and Leases Owned and Securitized by Finance Companies, Outstanding : 946489 (As of 2024-12-01)


Basic Info

Total Consumer Loans and Leases Owned and Securitized by Finance Companies, Outstanding measures the aggregate value of consumer loans and leases that are both owned and securitized by finance companies at a specific point in time. This metric provides insights into the scale of consumer lending and securitization activities within finance companies, reflecting the total amount of consumer-related financial assets held and managed as securities. Monthly, not seasonally adjusted. For further information, please refer to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System's G.20 release, online at .


Total Consumer Loans and Leases Owned and Securitized by Finance Companies, Outstanding was 946489 as of 2024-12-01, according to The Federal Reserve. Historically, Total Consumer Loans and Leases Owned and Securitized by Finance Companies, Outstanding reached a record high of 946489 and a record low of 728, the median value is 86200.4. Typical value range is from 723 to 895. The Year-Over-Year growth is 2.65%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Total Consumer Loans and Leases Owned and Securitized by Finance Companies, Outstanding - last updated on 2024-12-01.

Category Production & Business Activity
Region USA
Source The Federal Reserve


Name Value
Last Value 946489
Latest Period 2024-12-01
Long Term Average 809,453.69
Average Annualized Growth Rate +8.62%
Value from 1 year ago 921959.34
Change from 1 year ago +2.66%
Frequency Daily
Unit Millions
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