Last update 2018-02-15 440 Stocks (29 new)
Value $1.39 Bil Turnover 13 %
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GLG LLC Profile

GLG LLC, which stands for Gerson Lehrman Group, is an investment management firm based out of New York City. The company was established in 2002 and is currently headed by President Eric G. Burl. The firm was formerly known as Ore Hill Partners before it was fully acquired by Man Investments in 2011 and now is one of the investment management firms on the GLG platform. The company focuses on generating “positive returns throughout the credit cycle by actively investing across the entire capital structure of highly leveraged companies uncovering opportunity in situations where there is a catalyst needed to realize value.” And is credit focused and event driven. GLG LLC conducts its research both internally and externally, utilizing a fundamental methodology to make its investment decisions. The company invests in the public equity, fixed income, and alternative markets on a global scale, allocating its assets in the value stocks of companies. GLG LLC invests most heavily in the information technology, which alone makes up almost a fifth of its total asset allocations, and also invests in the consumer discretionary, health care, finance, industrials, energy, and utilities and telecommunications sectors, among others to a lesser degree, in order of decreasing allocation. None of the company’s holdings exceed 2% of its total allocations and the company has a turnover rate of approximately 32.3%. GLG LLC holds approximately $6 billion in total assets under management spread across 26 accounts, all of which are discretionary. Both of the company’s total number of accounts and total assets under management, despite some volatility, have been increasing in recent years with its managed assets growing significantly from $1.7 billion back in 2010 to well over 3 times that amount today. GLG LLC caters almost exclusively to pooed investment vehicles and pension and profit sharing plans and takes advisory fees in the form of a percentage of assets, performance based fees, and inter-company service fees.

GLG LLC Total Holding History ($B)


GLG LLC's Asset Allocation


GLG LLC Past Portfolios

Portfolio Date Number of Stocks New Stocks Total Value ($Mil) Q/Q Turnover

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