Issues that Cooperman addresses include:
- His unhappiness with the performance of Obama, specifically the creation of class warfare where Cooperman feels Obama has made villains of the successful and hardworking
- Government bonds
- Bonds currently providing a negative real return
- 10-year Treasury bond yielding 4% to 6% in the next several years which would mean serious negative returns for current bond holders
- People not understanding the risk they are taking by holding bonds at these yields
- Every asset class being subsidized by the Fed, but stocks being the best asset class
- Stocks he likes including Apple (AAPL, Financial), Qualcomm (QCOM, Financial), Google (GOOG), Halliburton (HAL, Financial), Transocean (RIG, Financial), JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Financial)
- His unhappiness with the performance of Obama, specifically the creation of class warfare where Cooperman feels Obama has made villains of the successful and hardworking
- Government bonds
- Bonds currently providing a negative real return
- 10-year Treasury bond yielding 4% to 6% in the next several years which would mean serious negative returns for current bond holders
- People not understanding the risk they are taking by holding bonds at these yields
- Every asset class being subsidized by the Fed, but stocks being the best asset class
- Stocks he likes including Apple (AAPL, Financial), Qualcomm (QCOM, Financial), Google (GOOG), Halliburton (HAL, Financial), Transocean (RIG, Financial), JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Financial)