GuruFocus Feature Highlight: Stock Comparison Table

Compare a stock's fundamental data to its competitors

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Sep 08, 2022
  • Stock Comparison Table allows users to compare a stock’s fundamentals to its competitors.
  • Users can compare current data and historical data.
  • Users can also view comparison charts based on GF Score, GF Value and Peter Lynch Chart.
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GuruFocus’ Stock Comparison Table allows users to compare a stock’s fundamental data to its competitors through several perspectives: current data, historical data and charts.


To access the table, click on “Stock Comparison Table” under the Tools section of the GuruFocus menu ribbon.


To add stocks to compare, click on the “+ Add Stock” button in the center of the table and enter the stock ticker that you wish to compare. You can also directly enter the stock ticker into the “Add Stock” field.


By default, the Stock Comparison Table adds the industry competitors to the table. The figure below illustrates an example for Walmart Inc. (WMT, Financial).


You can add additional stocks to the table using the “Add Stock” field or by clicking on the “Edit Competitors” button. You can also delete stocks from the table by clicking on the “X” next to the ticker.

Compare using current data

By default, the stock comparison table allows you to compare stocks based on fundamental data like GuruFocus business predictability rank, market cap, revenue, financial strength, profitability and price-earnings ratio.

You can add additional metrics to the table by clicking on the “+ Add” button in the Metrics section.


The “Edit Fields for View” pop-up allows you to add additional fields to the table and rearrange the columns using the drag-and-drop method.


You can also do the drag-and-drop method directly in the table itself.


Saving views and tables

Click on the “Save View” button to save the table. You can then access the view under “My Views.”


You can also save the table or export the table to Excel by clicking the “Save” and “Export” buttons in the top-right corner.


The “Save Table” pop-up also allows you to save the list of stocks into a portfolio.


Click on the “Export” button to export the table to an Excel spreadsheet.


View the comparison table as of a specific month

To view the data as of a specific month, click on the “Historical” tab and select the month from the list. The figure below illustrates an example for September 2021.


Compare using historical multiyear data

To compare the stocks using historical multiyear data, click on the “Historical Data” button in the Metrics section.


Just like how you add metrics in the “current data” section, you add metrics for “historical data” using the same “+ Add” button in the Metrics tab. You can also click on the blue “+ Add Metric” button.

The “Edit Fields for View” pop-up is the same as that of the current data section. The figure below illustrates an example table for operating margin, earnings per share and return on equity.


You can sort the table by metrics by clicking on the “Metrics” column. You can also change the frequency of the data by clicking the “Frequency” button. Select either annual data, quarterly data or trailing 12-month data.


View charts like the GF Score chart and GF Value chart

Click on the “Chart” icon to view charts for the GF Score and GF Value for the stocks listed in the compare table.


You can change the chart by selecting the desired chart from the row of tabs.


Explore the map

You can also click on the “Map” icon to view a heat map for the stocks listed in the compare table.


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I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and have no plans to buy any new positions in the stocks mentioned within the next 72 hours. Click for the complete disclosure