Adobe Partners With Leica and Nikon To Implement Content Authenticity Technology Into Cameras

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Oct 18, 2022

Today, Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) announced at Adobe MAX – the world’s largest creativity conference – a partnership between the Content+Authenticity+Initiative (CAI) and industry-leading camera manufacturers Leica and Nikon to implement provenance technology into two exhibiting cameras: Leica’s iconic M11* Rangefinder and Nikon’s industry-leading mirrorless camera the Nikon Z 9*. Today’s milestone will allow photographers and creators alike to increase trust in their digital work by securely attaching valuable provenance information at the point of capture, including when, where and how each image was captured. These details establish an image’s attribution and trustworthiness from the start, which helps protect against the spread of misinformation by empowering consumers to identify the origins and edit history throughout the digital content lifecycle.