The Harvard Business School presents Seth Klarman, founder and president of the Baupost Group
Major take-aways from the interview:
Major take-aways from the interview:
Major take-aways from the interview:
Major take-aways from the interview:
- I don’t think a lot about being a leader; our goal is to be “excellent” and to be proud of what we do
- Main principle for leadership or management-style: “Do unto others…”
- Big believer in leading by example; you can’t expect other people to do things you’re incapable of or unwilling to do yourself
- Sometimes organizations are stuck, people want to do more but they haven’t been asked the right way; don’t overlook the power of re-anchoring via leading by example
- Leadership stems from credibility — credibility stems from being “right” over time and from having knowledge — and from moral values
- Two important moral values for leaders: [list]
- Football field test; play the game from the center of the field, not near the sidelines, where it is easy to go out of bounds without intending to do so
- WSJ test; live your life in a way that you would not be embarrassed to have it reported on the front page of the WSJ
Major take-aways from the interview:
- I don’t think a lot about being a leader; our goal is to be “excellent” and to be proud of what we do
- Main principle for leadership or management-style: “Do unto others…”
- Big believer in leading by example; you can’t expect other people to do things you’re incapable of or unwilling to do yourself
- Sometimes organizations are stuck, people want to do more but they haven’t been asked the right way; don’t overlook the power of re-anchoring via leading by example
- Leadership stems from credibility — credibility stems from being “right” over time and from having knowledge — and from moral values
- Two important moral values for leaders: [list]
- Football field test; play the game from the center of the field, not near the sidelines, where it is easy to go out of bounds without intending to do so
- WSJ test; live your life in a way that you would not be embarrassed to have it reported on the front page of the WSJ
Major take-aways from the interview:
- I don’t think a lot about being a leader; our goal is to be “excellent” and to be proud of what we do
- Main principle for leadership or management-style: “Do unto others…”
- Big believer in leading by example; you can’t expect other people to do things you’re incapable of or unwilling to do yourself
- Sometimes organizations are stuck, people want to do more but they haven’t been asked the right way; don’t overlook the power of re-anchoring via leading by example
- Leadership stems from credibility — credibility stems from being “right” over time and from having knowledge — and from moral values
- Two important moral values for leaders: [list]
- Football field test; play the game from the center of the field, not near the sidelines, where it is easy to go out of bounds without intending to do so
- WSJ test; live your life in a way that you would not be embarrassed to have it reported on the front page of the WSJ