Align Technology Inc Investor Day Transcript

Sep 06, 2023 / 08:00PM GMT
Shirley Stacy - Align Technology, Inc. - VP of Corporate Communications & IR

Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us. We really appreciate you taking the time to come all the way here to Las Vegas in conjunction with our Invisalign Summit for GPs. We've got a great lineup today for you, and I'm just going to cover off on a couple of housekeeping items.

First of all, presentations today are being live streamed. So hello to everybody online. I appreciate, again, your time and attention. The material will be shared and posted on our website. The presentation slides, a soft copy will be posted on our website as well along with the meeting and the Q&A session after today's meeting.

Our obligatory safe harbor, obviously, make sure you read it and you refer to our SEC filings for any disclosures and notices that are important to the content today as well as the presentation with respect to any forward-looking statements we might make. We also include some non-GAAP financial measures. And so again, we refer you to our SEC filings and to all of our financial metrics.

One last

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