Applied Materials Inc at Morgan Stanley Technology, Media and Telecom Conference (Virtual) Transcript

Mar 02, 2021 / 06:15PM GMT
Joseph Lawrence Moore - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - Executive Director

Hello, everybody. Welcome back. Just a quick safe harbor. For important disclosures, please see the Morgan Stanley research disclosure website at If you have any questions, please reach out to your Morgan Stanley sales representative.

So with that, I'm Joe Moore from the Morgan Stanley semiconductor team. I'm very happy to have with us today Dan Durn, who's the Chief Financial Officer of Applied Materials. Dan, welcome.

Daniel J. Durn - Applied Materials, Inc. - Senior VP & CFO

Hi. Hi, Joe.

Questions and Answers:

Joseph Lawrence Moore - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - Executive Director

So maybe we could start with the bigger picture. You guys have the sort of statement on recent earnings calls that the future is not like the past when it comes to Moore's Law and sort of 2D scaling.
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