Nov 08, 2022 / 01:55PM GMT
Peter J. Arment - Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Research Division - Senior Research Analyst
Welcome, everyone. Thanks for joining us here this morning. My name is Peter Arment. I'm the Senior Aerospace Defence Analyst here at Baird. We are delighted to have Honeywell International here with us. And with -- from Honeywell, we have the President and CEO of Honeywell Building Technologies Doug Wright. Doug is a long-time industry veteran, 16 years. I think in so ran half a dozen years at UTC and another other bunch of other companies around the industry and he spent 8 years in China. So he is a wealth of knowledge, and we are absolutely delighted that here. So we're Doug,welcome.
Douglas William Wright - Honeywell International Inc. - President & CEO of Building Technologies
Thank you, Peter. Like to see everyone.
Questions and Answers:
Peter J. Arment - Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Research Division - Senior Research AnalystThanks again. So I want to start high level, just kind of talk