Iron Mountain Inc at Stifel Cross Sector Insight Conference Transcript

Jun 11, 2019 / 06:25PM GMT
Shlomo H. Rosenbaum - Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, Research Division - MD

Thank you, everybody, for joining. This is Shlomo Rosenbaum. I'm the business services analyst at Stifel. I have been covering Iron Mountain for a while prior to it becoming a REIT. It is now a REIT, and I've continued coverage. Spent a lot of time focusing on the REIT aspects of the business besides the regular business aspects of the business.

I want to thank Stuart Brown, CFO, for joining me today. Just to apologize, there might be a little bit of pausing in between because for technical difficulties, we're going to be passing a microphone back and forth. But if you don't mind, I'm going to just get started. And maybe, Stuart, if you wanted to just give us like a minute or 2 overview of the way you think about the company, and then we'll jump right into Q&A. How's that?

Stuart B. Brown - Iron Mountain Incorporated - Executive VP & CFO

Great. Shlomo, thank you. Thank you very much, and thank you all for joining us today.

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