Johnson Controls International PLC at Goldman Sachs Industrials & Materials Conference (Virtual) Transcript

May 15, 2020 / 01:40PM GMT
Joseph Alfred Ritchie - Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Research Division - VP & Lead Multi-Industry Analyst

Good morning, everyone. This is Joe Ritchie, Head of Goldman's U.S. multi-industry team. I'm super excited today to have Johnson Controls with us for the next fireside chat. We have both George Oliver, the Chairman and CEO; as well as Brian Stief, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer. Thank you both for being here with us today.

Brian J. Stief - Johnson Controls International plc - Vice Chairman, Executive VP & CFO

Thanks, Joe.

George R. Oliver - Johnson Controls International plc - Chairman & CEO

Yes. Thanks, Joe, for having us participate in the conference. We're certainly thrilled that we can be here with you today. I thought I'd maybe start off with making a few high-level comments. Well, we just did our earnings call 2 weeks ago, before we jump into the fireside chat. Joe, is that okay?

Joseph Alfred Ritchie - Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Research Division - VP &

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