KLA Corp at Wells Fargo TMT Conference (Virtual) Transcript

Dec 02, 2020 / 08:20PM GMT
Joseph Michael Quatrochi - Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, Research Division - Associate Analyst

Perfect. So I'm Joe Quatrochi, the semi cap analyst at Wells Fargo. Something that we had highlighted back in a report in September 2019 was that we think the semi cap service is an underappreciated aspect of the industry, given its recurring nature of revenue and as well as the growing installed base to drive those revenue streams.

Today, we're pleased to feature KLA's Bren Higgins, CFO; as well as the Head of Global Operations, Brian Lorig -- I'm sorry, EVP Global Support and Services, there we go, to discuss KLA Services business. First, we're going to focus on having a few comments from Bren, and then we'll focus our questions to Brian on the Services business. Bren?

Bren D. Higgins - KLA Corporation - Executive VP & CFO

Joe, thank you for having us. Appreciate being here. Before we get to Brian, and I'm really excited to have him here today and to spend a little bit of time talking about the Service business, I do want to provide a little bit of just

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