Sep 07, 2023 / 05:20PM GMT
Shaun Clisby Kelley - BofA Securities, Research Division - MD in Americas Equity Research & Research Analyst
So our lunch keynote is going to be Bill Hornbuckle, President and Chief Executive Officer of MGM Resorts. MGM has long been a sponsor of this conference in all of its various forms. And I actually got asked the other day by my new associate, was is this the biggest one of these conferences you've ever done. And I said, well, in New York, absolutely.
But then I think for a second, I was like there was this one time back in Las Vegas in 2010, and there was this epic conference that was held and all because of the sponsorship of MGM and the relationship that we've had over the years. And they've been a huge sponsor of mine pretty much from day 1 as a research analyst.
So it means a lot. It's actually been the first year in a couple of years that we've had you back. So a real pleasure to have you here and a lot going on, both globally, here in New York. So excited to hear all about it. So the way it's going to work, we do about 25 minutes where Bill's going to give some prepared
MGM Resorts International at Bank of America Gaming & Lodging Conference (BETMGM) Transcript
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