AT&T Inc at Wells Fargo TMT Summit (Virtual) Transcript

Nov 30, 2021 / 02:20PM GMT
Eric Thomas Luebchow - Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, Research Division - Associate Analyst

Good morning. My name is Eric Luebchow, senior analyst covering telecom services here at Wells Fargo. Thanks for joining us for our fifth Annual TMT Summit. Very pleased this morning to have a keynote address from Jeff McElfresh, CEO of AT&T Communications. Jeff, thanks for your time today.

Jeffery Scott McElfresh - AT&T Inc. - CEO of AT&T Communications LLC

Eric, it's my pleasure to join you.

Questions and Answers:

Eric Thomas Luebchow - Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, Research Division - Associate Analyst

Great. So just to kick it off, Jeff, at a high level, AT&T obviously looks materially different today than it did at this time last year. You've really refocused the company back to focus on communications, right into your area of responsibility. So given all the moving parts, maybe you can kind of share your 30,000-foot perspective of the business and your vision for the next 1 year, 3 years, 5 years?
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