Cellectis SA at Barclays Global Healthcare Conference Transcript

Mar 13, 2019 / 08:20PM GMT
Gena Wang - Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division - Research Analyst

Good afternoon. My name is Gena Wang. I'm the SMID cap biotech analyst. It's my great pleasure to introduce our next speaker, Simon Harnest, VP, Strategy & Finance from Cellectis.

Simon Harnest - Cellectis S.A. - VP of Corporate Strategy & Finance

Thanks so much, Gena. Thank you again for having us, beautiful Miami. Very sad to be flying back to New York tonight. But I'll make this very short so we have enough time for Q&A. It's a little longer presentation, but we can always follow up after if any one of you have more questions. We can do this one-on-one or in the breakout session.

But I'm very happy here today to present Cellectis, an allogeneic CAR-T company and one of the first in its space. And I will talk a little bit about our platform technology and also about our pipeline and what to expect in terms of data flow this year and also maybe wrap up with where we see the space going.

So just as a summary, Cellectis is really built on gene-editing. So the

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