Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc at Stifel Targeted Oncology Days (Virtual) Transcript

Apr 26, 2023 / 02:30PM GMT
Bijan Mekoba - Stifel - Analyst

All right. Good morning, everyone. I'm Bijan Mekoba, Senior Research Associate with [Pratt & Knoll] here at Stifel. Welcome to day two of our Target Oncology Days. We're excited to have with us CFO of Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Tucker Kelly. Thank you for joining us. You guys have had a pretty busy 2023 so there's plenty to talk about, which is good.

Tucker Kelly - Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EVP, CFO & Treasurer

Absolutely. Thanks so much for having us today. We really appreciate the support.

Questions and Answers:

Bijan Mekoba - Stifel - Analyst

Absolutely. So I guess let's start with the latest on Qinlock. We're about three years into the launch. How should we think about sales growth from here?

Tucker Kelly - Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sure. No. So great question. So Qinlock, our first approved product in GIST. We've had now on the market in the US almost three years and it's just been
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