Five9 Inc at Barclays Global Technology Conference Transcript

Dec 07, 2023 / 07:00PM GMT
Pete Newton - Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division - Research Analyst

All right. Good morning, everybody. Thank you for attending today's day 2 of the Barclays TMT Global Tech Conference. My name is Pete Newton. I'm subbing in for Ryan MacWilliams today as he and his wife, [Gracie], welcome their first baby. So if you see him, say congrats, wish them good luck and hope he's getting a little bit of sleep.

With that, we have Five9 here today and their management team of CEO, Mike Burkland; CFO, Barry Zwarenstein; and President, Dan Burkland. Thanks for being here today, guys.

Thank you, -- and before we kick off, I think, Barry had the safe harbor statement.

Barry Zwarenstein - Five9, Inc. - CFO

Thanks, Peter. So before we start, remind you that we'll make forward-looking statements today during the discussions about future events, trends, expectations, projections and beliefs that may affect the industry and the company's product developments, AI and automation and potential growth drivers. Such statements are predictions, cannot be unduly

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