Ionis Pharmaceuticals Inc at Needham Healthcare Conference (Virtual) Transcript

Apr 12, 2021 / 02:15PM GMT
Chad Jason Messer - Needham & Company, LLC, Research Division - Senior Analyst

Great. Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us at the Needham & Company Virtual Healthcare Conference. My name is Chad Messer. I'm one of the senior biotech analysts here at Needham, and it is my pleasure today to be joined by Patrick Swayze, Head of research at Ionis Pharmaceuticals, to discuss -- I don't think we'll hit them all, but many of the exciting programs that are going on at Ionis.

So if Patrick, if I could just -- Eric, excuse me, if I could just jump in...

Eric E. Swayze - Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EVP of Research

I'm very excited to be messed up -- mixed up with the guy who did Dirty Dancing. So...

Chad Jason Messer - Needham & Company, LLC, Research Division - Senior Analyst

I am of that generation where the mental crossover is almost inevitable.

Questions and Answers:

Chad Jason Messer - Needham & Company, LLC, Research Division - Senior Analyst

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