Jun 15, 2022 / 05:00PM GMT
Paul Choi - Goldman Sachs - Analyst
Okay, we'll continue with the next session. Hi, everyone. I'm Paul Choi, and I cover the SMid cap biotechnology sector here at the firm. And our next (inaudible) Kinnate. And representing management is Nima Farzan, CEO.
Questions and Answers:
Paul Choi - Goldman Sachs - AnalystMaybe what we'll start with Nima, if it's okay with you, is just sort of, how would you describe Kinnate's approach to precision oncology or targeted therapy? There's obviously a fair number of companies within the space, not necessarily focused on the same cancers or targets that you are, but maybe you could describe what is the process of target selection and developmental candidates and drug creation here.
Nima Farzan - Kinnate Biopharma Inc. - CEO
Sounds good. Now first of all, thanks for having us here. We are excited to be here. So Kinnate really, we'd think about our discovery engine and how we select and discover and develop compounds this way. Our goal, overarching goal, of course, is to