Fluidigm Corp at Cowen Health Care Conference Transcript

Mar 12, 2019 / 02:40PM GMT
Adam Wieschhaus - Cowen and Company - Life Science and Diagnostic Tools

Good morning. My name is Adam Wieschhaus. I'm on the Life Science Diagnostics and Tools team here at Cowen. It's my pleasure to introduce Fluidigm. Presenting for Fluidigm today, we have Chris Linthwaite, the President and CEO.

Chris Linthwaite - Fluidigm Corp - President & CEO

Hopefully, my -- oh, that's worse. Are we back down? Okay. This is better than a town hall meeting that I gave a couple of weeks -- last week, in which there's a reverb going simultaneously that's one of those moments we hear in the same phrase over and over and over again like you're in the Yankee Stadium. I did that for two hours. It drove me nuts. This will not be that way.

So, again, first, thanks opening statement to Cowen for including us in this particular conference. I'm just really excited to show some of the present progress that Fluidigm as a company has made here over the past year. It's quite a difference that a year has made in our company's prospects.

Throughout this presentation,

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