Luminar Technologies Inc at Deutsche Bank dbAccess AutoTech Conference (Virtual) Transcript

Dec 14, 2022 / 05:00PM GMT
Emmanuel Rosner - Deutsche Bank AG, Research Division - Director & Research Analyst

Hello, everybody, and thank you so much for joining us for this session with Luminar as part of Deutsche Bank's AutoTech Conference. My name is Emmanuel Rosner, and I'm the lead U.S. autos and autotech analyst here at Deutsche Bank.

Luminar is a LiDAR technology company that has partnerships and production contracts with many of the top global OEMs. The company achieved an important milestone last quarter with the very first start of its series production with China's SAIC, and Luminar is also scheduled to launch and scale another production program next year with Volvo EX90 SUV, which will come standard with the Luminar technology.

And so I'm very pleased to be joined this morning by Tom Fennimore, who's the CFO of Luminar for a discussion. So the format of this session will be a fireside chat around some of my prepared questions.

And so with that, let's dive right into it, and thanks for being with us.

Thomas J. Fennimore - Luminar Technologies, Inc. - CFO

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