Monro Inc at RBC Capital Markets Consumer Day Transcript

Jun 08, 2023 / 06:00PM GMT
Steve Shemesh - RBC Capital Markets - Analyst

Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Steve Shemesh, RBC's hardlines/broadlines, food retail, and e-commerce analyst. For our next fireside, we are going to stick in the auto services space. I'm joined by Monro's, EVP, and Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer, Brian D'Ambrosia. Thank you for joining us.

Brian D'Ambrosia - Monro, Inc. - EVP,CFO & Treasurer

Thanks for having me. Appreciate it.

Questions and Answers:

Steve Shemesh - RBC Capital Markets - Analyst

To start us off, I'm sure there's a couple of investors in the room who are newer to the story, if you would just give a quick overview of kind of what you're seeing, where the business is, and what you're seeing in the market, that would be great?

Brian D'Ambrosia - Monro, Inc. - EVP,CFO & Treasurer

Yeah, absolutely. So, just some background on Monro. We're one of the nation's leading auto care and aftermarket services provider. We
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