Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Inc at Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference Transcript

Sep 11, 2023 / 04:55PM GMT
Jeff Hung - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - Equity Analyst

Welcome to the Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference. I'm Jeff Hung, one of the biotech analysts. For important disclosures, please see the Morgan Stanley research disclosure website at www.morganstanley.com/researchdisclosures. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Morgan Stanley sales representative.

For this session, we have Rhythm Pharmaceuticals CEO, David Meeker. Welcome, David.

David P. Meeker - Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Chairman, President & CEO

Thank you, Jeff.

Jeff Hung - Morgan Stanley, Research Division - Equity Analyst

So maybe for those who are not as familiar with Rhythm, can you just provide a brief introduction?

David P. Meeker - Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Chairman, President & CEO

Yes. So Rhythm is a company that's focused on this pathway in our brain,

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