Sep 14, 2022 / 01:00PM GMT
Jason Michael Goldberg - Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division - MD & Senior Equity Analyst
Moving right along, very pleased to have Ally Finance with us from the company, Jenn LaClair, Chief Financial Officer. Jenn, thank you for being here.
Jennifer A. LaClair -
Thank you, Jason, for having me. Great to be here.
Questions and Answers:
Jason Michael Goldberg - Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division - MD & Senior Equity AnalystMaybe the best place to start is kind of just big picture with strategic priorities. Maybe starting at a high level, Ally obviously has leading market positions with the dealer financial services business, a very large digital bank and then adding a lot of new capabilities. Just maybe talk about how you see Ally evolving over the next few years and what are some of the key drivers?
Jennifer A. LaClair -
Yes. Sure. Thank you, Jason. And I really appreciate this opportunity to provide an update on Ally's priorities, the progress as well as our strategic and