Jan 12, 2022 / 08:45PM GMT
Tycho W. Peterson - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Senior Analyst
All right, good afternoon. Welcome, everybody, to our panel on synthetic biology. We've got a great group of speakers with us today. Quick round of introductions from JPMorgan. It's myself and Rachel from our team. We've got (inaudible) from [Capitol Street]. And then for our panelists, we've got Max Bronstein from the White House Office of Science and Technology. We've got Jason Kelly from Ginkgo; Sri Kosaraju from Inscripta; and Gregory Yep from International Flavors & Fragrances.
I thought to kick it off, maybe each of you could just give us a quick overview of your respective companies and positions and how it relates to synthetic biology. Max, we'll start with you coming out of the White House Office of Science and Technology. Talk a little bit about your role in the synthetic biology universe.
Max Bronstein -
Well, thanks very much for having me Tycho. And I'm just excited to be here at JPMorgan. I'm the Assistant Director for Health Innovation at OSTP. And I've been doing
Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings Inc at JPMorgan Healthcare Conference (Virtual) Transcript
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