Centurylink Inc at Cowen TMT Conference Transcript

May 29, 2020 / 03:10PM GMT
Gregory Bradford Williams - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - Director

Good morning, everybody. Welcome to our fourth and final day of our Cowen TMT Conference. My name is Greg Williams. I cover the cable telco satellite space here at Cowen. I'm here today with Shaun Andrews, the Chief Marketing Officer at CenturyLink. We'll have a 30-minute discussion. There's an opportunity for the listeners of the webcast to ask questions. Just put in the question as you should see down below on your screen. I have a separate screen off to my right where I can see the questions anonymously and I can relay them to Shaun as we see fit.

So let's get started. Shaun, thank you very much for joining us.

Shaun C. Andrews - CenturyLink, Inc. - Executive VP & CMO

Thanks for having me, Greg. Nice way to cap off the week.

Questions and Answers:

Gregory Bradford Williams - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - Director

Yes, great. Can you just tell us what you do, what your role is as the Chief Marketing
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