May 22, 2023 / 07:10PM GMT
Alexei Gogolev - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Head of CEEMEA TMT and Pan Regional Analyst
Hello, everyone. Alexei Gogolev here from the J.P. Morgan software team. And today, I'm delighted to welcome here with us, CEO of Squarespace, Anthony Casalena. Anthony, thank you for joining us today, and I would love to maybe start off with some of the amazing drivers of your first quarter performance. Very impressive. And obviously, within your website business specifically, how much of that improvement was related to maybe some seasonal factors, but more importantly, maybe some strong growth in top of the funnel some attribution factors? If you can elaborate on that strong growth?
Anthony Casalena - Squarespace, Inc. - Founder, President, CEO & Chairperson of the Board
Sure. Well, loud, and thank you for having me. So Q1 is seasonally our strongest quarter. But on top of that, one of the highlights we had from our most recent call was actually this Q1 was the highest number of trials in the website product that we've seen ever, including any COVID
Squarespace Inc at JPMorgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference Transcript
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