Q3 2020 Aker Carbon Capture AS Earnings Presentation Transcript

Nov 03, 2020 / 08:00AM GMT
Nov 03, 2020 / 08:00AM GMT

Corporate Participants
* Ivar Simensen
* Valborg Lundegaard
Aker Carbon Capture AS - CEO

Ivar Simensen -

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the presentation of the third quarter results for Aker Carbon Capture. My name is Ivar Simensen. I'm the Head of Investor Relations and Communications. And with me today, I've got Chief Executive Officer, Valborg Lundegaard, who will guide you through the presentation. Afterwards, we have time for some questions, which you can send in through the webcast.

And with that, I'm pleased to hand over to Valborg.

Valborg Lundegaard - Aker Carbon Capture AS - CEO

Good morning. It's a great pleasure to present Aker Carbon Capture's first quarterly results since the company was listed. It has been exciting months.

Let us first look at the highlights. Aker Carbon Capture's highlight of the quarter came on September 21, when the Norwegian

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