Q4 2019 Nederman Holding AB Earnings Call Transcript

Feb 14, 2020 / 09:00AM GMT

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Nederman Holding Q4 2019 Report. Today, I'm pleased to present CEO, Sven Kristensson; and CFO, Matthew Cusick. (Operator Instructions) I will now hand over to the speakers. Please begin.

Sven Kristensson - Nederman Holding AB(publ)-President - CEO & Director

Yes. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to this call presenting Nederman Group for Q4 and the full year in 2019.

Starting with the first part, with the Q4. We can conclude that we had a very good quarter when it comes to orders received and operating cash flow, coming back to that later. However, the hesitancy to finally book orders have been such that we got them very, very late in the year. It was almost like Christmas, which some of them we have expected significantly earlier or got the down payment, so we could book them. So the result when it comes to sales and then also the result slightly lower than we expected and slightly lower than the extremely strong Q4 2018.

We had strong organic

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