Feb 21, 2024 / 03:30PM GMT
Grace Helen Carter - BofA Securities, Research Division - Research Analyst
Thank you for attending the conference this year. Today, we have The Hanover here with us. I'm Grace Carter. I cover The Hanover at Bank of America, and we have Jack Roche, CFO -- sorry, CEO; and Jeff Farber, the CFO, with us today.
Questions and Answers:
Grace Helen Carter - BofA Securities, Research Division - Research AnalystSo we're going to go ahead and go into the questions. So starting with the top-line growth target. At the 2021 Investor Day, you established a 5-year top-line growth target of 7%. How might targeted re-underwriting actions impact the ability to achieve the segment-by-segment growth targets? And has pricing increasing over the last few years been sufficient to maybe offset the policy count hit from reunderwriting actions?
John Conner Roche - The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. - President, CEO & Director
Well, first off, thanks, Grace, for allowing us to participate in the conference, and we're excited to be here