Jun 20, 2024 / 09:00AM GMT
Steven Marshall - Cordiant Capital Inc - Chairman - Digital Infrastructure
Hello. Good afternoon and welcome to Cordiant Digital Infrastructure's third year annual results. Thank you very much for joining us today. I am Steven Marshall for those that don't or haven't met me before. I'm a Co-Founder and Chairman of the Cordiant Digital Infrastructure My Co-Founding Partner Benn Mikula is not with me in person today, but he's on the system and may well be able to respond to some Q&A later on in the call. Benn is a little bit sick today. So he's working remotely, and he should be resting.
I also have Mark Tiner with me who's been with us for a couple of years now. Many of you will have met him. He's the CFO of Cordiant Digital and he'll be helping me make the presentation this afternoon. Very good. If you got any questions, please hold until the end or put them into the chat system and we'll be more than happy to discuss them after the formal presentation.
I'll move to the next slide. Another really great set of results after three years with -- when we said at the IPO three years ago,
Full Year 2023 Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Ltd Earnings Call Transcript
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