Full Year 2024 Luk Fook Holdings (International) Ltd Earnings Call Transcript

Jun 28, 2024 / 10:00AM GMT

Good afternoon, everyone, I am (inaudible) IR team. Thank you all for joining us today for our financial year 2024 annual results. It's truly a pleasure to have this opportunity to speak with you once again. Joining me this afternoon is Dr. Kathy Chan, Executive Director and CFO of the Group, who will take you through our annual performance and our strategies for the upcoming year.

Then I will open the floor for the Q&A session. The conference will be (inaudible)in English and the presentation materials is available now on our website.

Now I would like to invite Dr. Kathy Chan for her presentation. Kathy, please?

Kathy Chan - Luk Fook Holdings(International)Ltd-Chief Financial Officer - Executive Director

Thank you, (inaudible). Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining [Luk Fook's] FY23, '24 annual results presentation. I would like to start with looking at our financial highlights, followed by financial review and then our future plans and strategies.

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