Jul 11, 2024 / 08:00AM GMT
Gianandrea Roberti - Tryg A/S-Senior Vice President - Head of Investor Relations
Good morning, everybody. My name is Gianandrea Roberti. I'm Head of Investor Relations at Tryg. We published our Q2 results earlier this morning, and I have here with me Johan Brammer, Group CEO; Allan Thaysen, Group CFO; and Mikael Karrsten, Group CTO, to present the figures.
Before that, I'd just like to remind everybody to ask one question at a time to allow the highest number of questions from participants. With these words, over to you, Johan.
Johan Brammer - Tryg A/S-Chief Executive Officer
Thanks a lot, Gian. And before I kick it off, I'd like to stress that after a few quite noisy quarters, we are very pleased to report a quiet quarter on multiple fronts. This is a quarter that brings us a little back to being a leading and slightly boring Scandinavian insurer, with high and stable profitability levels.
And with that, in this Q2, Tryg reports an insurance revenue growth of 3.9%,
Q2 2024 Tryg A/S Earnings Call Transcript
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