Jul 12, 2024 / 07:00AM GMT
Per Waldemarson - Lifco AB(publ)-President - Chief Executive Officer, Director
Good morning everyone, and welcome to the Lifco second quarter earnings call. We can start with going directly into slide number two in our investor presentation and have the high-level look at the overall Group performance in the second quarter.
We are growing sales with the 8% consisting of actually small negative organic decline. Sales helped by around 8% growth from acquisitions, a smaller 0.6% help from foreign exchange rate. The EBITDA is also growing with around 8%. Margin -- EBITDA margin is in line with the -- with previous year, around 24%. And then we have slightly lower profit before tax due to continued higher interest costs affecting this quarter.
We have strong operating cash flow increase and that at 37.5% and then earnings per share growing by 5%. If we look at the first six months of 2024, we obviously have a slightly lower growth numbers on sales, given that we had a weaker start in the first quarter.
I just want to remind everyone that as
Q2 2024 Lifco AB (publ) Earnings Call Transcript
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