Jul 12, 2024 / 12:00PM GMT
Christoffer Rosenblad - Xvivo Perfusion AB - Chief Executive Officer
Thank you so much, and welcome to XVIVO's earnings call for the second quarter of 2024. As we see on the first slide, we have today's presenter here. It's me, Christoffer Rosenblad, CEO of XVIVO; and Kristoffer Nordström, CFO, today calling in from Philadelphia.
If we go to the second slide in the deck, we see Q2 financial at a glance. And I'm proud and happy to report the strongest quarter in XVIVO's history and that Q2 shows improvement on top line as well as EBITDA. More importantly, the Q2 shows that XVIVO has a scalable business model with improving margins with increasing sales, even though we continue and will continue to invest in the organization for future growth.
Sales came in a record SEK210 million. The gross margins are continuing to show strength. We plan and reported that we plan to improve the abdominal gross margin to 70% at the latest in 2027 or earlier when we reach economies of scale in production, and we see that we continue to produce according to that goal. The EBITDA shows a strong improvement
Q2 2024 Xvivo Perfusion AB Earnings Call Transcript
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